Tuesday, November 5, 2013

'Walking Dead' actor reports car break-in, theft

ATLANTA (AP) — Atlanta police are investigating a car break-in and theft of electronics belonging to a cast member from "The Walking Dead" TV show.

Actor Steven Yeun was in Atlanta to participate in the Walker Stalker Convention for fans of the AMC show.

Yeun told police he parked his car on the street in front of 537 Edgewood Ave. SE around 7 p.m. Sunday. He returned less than two hours later to find a window smashed and his black North Face backpack stolen.

He told police the bag contained a MacBook Air; a Ricoh camera; a black iPod; a "David and Goliath" hardback book and a moleskin notepad.

Police say an officer dusted around the broken window for prints but was unable to lift any.

Yeun plays Glenn Rhee on the show.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/walking-dead-actor-reports-car-break-theft-160446796.html
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